
Homeopathy is a system of healing that has been around since the mid 1700’s. It was invented by a physician, named Samuel Hahnemann when he became disillusioned by the toxicity of treatment that were being used during his time. As a medical historian he learned an old way of treating in which the immune system is supported rather than suppressed, which happens with a lot of our modern medicine. Homeopathy gained a huge acceptance in the medical community and many larger universities, such as the University of Michigan, added a homeopathic medical school. Homeopathy saw its decline when antibiotics where invented; when compared side-by-side antibiotics are more effective in curing acute cases then homeopathies. As a result funding for homeopathic medical schools dried up and the practice nearly dried up as a result. Over the last 20 years homeopathy has regained its popularity as people are recognizing the benefits that it offers.


What is Homeopathy?
Classical Homeopathy uses the fundamental principles of “Law of Similars” or “Like Cures;" nanoparticles in homeopathic remedies  stimulates the body's innate healing capacity when given in small doses and cure can be achieved. These remedies are all naturally derived from plant, animals, minerals etc.  it is safe and effective for all age including pregnant women and babies. 

What can Homeopathy be used to treat?
Homeopathy can be used for acute systems (ie heaches, coughs, fevers, etc) however, it has its greatest benefit when used for chronic conditions (ie Diabetes, blood pressure, mental diseases, etc.)

What does Homeopathy involve?
The first step is filling out all the necessary forms as indicated by the practitioner. You need to be detailed as possible and write down all your symptoms. These forms are extensive but necessary to find a solution that works best. The initial consultation takes about 2 hours where the doctor will do a complete examination of your medical history as well as the issues you are currently having. Once your medical state has been assessed the doctor will go over your recommended treatment plan. If you decide to move forward in your treatment the doctor will develop your remedies, which will either be a pellet tablet or liquid/drop form.

How is treatment done?
As mentioned above, the doctor will give you a remedy, which will either be a pellet tablet or liquid/drop form. Most remedies are handmade and tailor specifically to your symptom. Various herbs or oils are combined to create a remedy that will be most effective for you. The remedy is placed on or under the tongue and allowed to absorb. It is essential that the mouth be clear of any food, mint, garlic, coffee or any other strong odors. The best time to take a remedy is on an empty stomach.

For more information on Homeopathy visit our Blog.  Check out our blog post on a full list of conditions that Homeopathy helps. 


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